
AI-Driven Brand Awareness Campaign in Food


SoMin worked with one of the World's largest Fastfood Restaurant chains with more than 200 restaurants across Thailand. The Client was looking to discover the most effective (in terms of both cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) and cost-per-1000-people-reach (CPR)) Facebook targeting options for their meal promotion campaign.


By analyzing over 7 million data points discovered from 272 data sources, has identified 106 cost-effective AI-Driven Facebook Audiences for targeting the same Ad Copy over a 4-day Facebook Split Test campaign. The Ad was shown in 5 different placements and jointly optimized by CPM, CPR, and Impression delivery pace.

The test results have been benchmarked against the client's previous campaign results. 


The AI-Driven Facebook campaign has achieved 46% cost reduction in terms of Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) and 45% cost reduction in terms of Cost-Per-Reach (CPR) vs best previously-achieved results.